May 16, 2011

garden update. 5/16

wow.  i can't believe its been 2 weeks since i posted last.  time flies...

well, i think it's safe to say that the big rain storms we've had over the last few days have helped out the plants in the garden.  i think its safe to say the zucchini is taking the lead...if only because the corn is being eaten by some kind of caterpillar. how about some visual aids?

the zucchini is easily taking up half or just less than half of the garden.  i think we may have made a mistake in planting...1-3 plants may have been sufficient in the alloted area... instead there are probably 20.   oops.

this thing is loaded with blossoms.  

the chili plant is doing awesome as well.  the first pepper looked like this last week.

and this is this week.  i can't wait for this bad boy to mature.  i'm drooling over here.

a couple more peppers have sneakily started growing also...

our tomato plants are starting to kick into high gear as well... hopefully in another couple weeks we'll start seeing some fruit on them...need to get some of those support cages for them though.

the corn is doing relatively well.  it still seems as though the bugs are having their way with it.  we got some organic insecticide that seemed to help a bit, but think it may need another dose soon.

carrots are looking pretty good.  for now they are far away enough from the zukes that they aren't being hindered in growth.

unfortunately, i don't think i can say the same for the beets...  we've been trying to redirect the zucchini away from beets to give them a chance, but the zukes are just seriously out of control.  i don't have a lot of hope for these guys.

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