April 18, 2011

salmon ceviche.

mistakes happen.  i'm human.  

so last week, i accidentally ordered too much salmon to cure for brunch.  and viola! instant special!

i wanted to do a salmon ceviche.  but, having a mainly british themed menu, i don't normally have the traditional ingredients needed for ceviche.  so, improvise i did.

i didn't really take a lot of pictures of the process.  it was all sort of a last minute quick fix.  but i did get a couple.

i ended up doing a british style salmon ceviche with horseradish, mango, red onion and lime.  it turned out surprisingly awesome.  the horseradish gave it the needed heat you would normally get from a pepper in the mix.  the mango provided a nice sweet acidity to balance it out.  

think i'll have to keep this one in my playbook.

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