April 25, 2011

garden update.

this time of year is my favorite.  with new ingredients popping up, and the promise of a fresh new year to come.  oh, and the rain.  let's not forget the rain.

how long has it been?  2 weeks? 3?  either way, it always amazes me at how quickly plants grow.  we've had some casualties in the garden, but overall...i'm getting hungry.  and i can't wait for this stuff to be ready to eat!

our corn is doing really well with the exception of some tiny caterpillars that are finding the leaves to be delicious.  a couple of the plants are pretty torn up, but don't want to use any pesticide.  these things are almost peaking over the fence.

the other star in the garden right now is the zucchini.  this stuff is growing like crazy.  i have a fear it may take over shortly.

the beets are growing nicely, but being so close to the zucchini i think they may start to struggle soon.  

the carrots seem to be growing slowly, but i have faith in those little guys.

i forgot to get a pic of the watermelon plants, but they are doing well so far.  again, being so close to the zucchini... issues may arise.  

and lastly, the tomatoes.  my pics didn't turn out well. so, sorry.  only one of the 12 transplants survived the move.  it's doing well though and is probably 6" tall now.  only 2 other tomato plants have begun to really grow.  i did see a couple new sprouts, so fingers crossed that they make it.  i think its fair to say the tomatoes have had the most problems.  

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