December 17, 2010

something from nothing.

today i got in some new butterscotch ice cream.  still had a little left in the old container, but didn't want to waste it.  but, i wanted to use the butterscotch in a savory dish... so i decided to make some raviolis.  

first, i had to decide what would go with butterscotch.  decided to go with the butternut squash.  i roasted them on an open flame to get a nice smoky flavor and add some depth to the squash.

then i threw them in a large metal mixing bowl, covered it with plastic wrap and let the squash soak in some of that charred flavor. then, cleaned off the charred bits under some cold running water, seeded and cubed it.  finished cooking the squash on the stove in some buttermilk and melted butterscotch ice cream.  when it was cooked to my liking, i added some seasoning, parmesan and feta cheese, and some parsley.  pureed.  let it cool down. caramelized some shallots and added it to the puree.  THEN, started making the raviolis.  i used wonton wrappers.

after the raviolis were made, i made a butterscotch cream sauce.  i'm not going to tell you how i made it...  but lets just say it's pretty freaking amazing. 

after the sauce was done, we fried up some raviolis and plated our final product.  

butternut squash & feta fried raviolis with butterscotch cream, balsamic reduction, smoked paprika oil and arugula.  deeeelish.

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