June 8, 2011


well... its officially official. 

my last day at the queens head will be june 25th.

my wife katie and i will be moving to portland oregon.  we'll be packing up the car and going on a cross country road trip with the kids that will be EPIC.

but before i get too far, i would like to reflect on the last 2 years...

as exciting as the prospects of a new town are, i'm equally saddened by leaving this amazing place of st. petersburg.  i've shed a lot of blood, sweat and tears over the last couple years.  i've laughed until i cried.  and cried until i laughed.  there were times when i honestly didn't think i would survive the work week...but through all of it i did my best to make the best food possible and never compromised my standards.  i'm proud of the mini legacy i've built for the queens head.  i'm proud of all the articles, tv appearances, gushing emails, handshakes and smiles i've received.  i'm proud of the person i've grown into...someone i never thought i'd be.

i'm so thankful for the opportunity i was given to run one of the best kitchens in the city.  

i've had the pleasure of meeting a lot of amazing people since i moved to florida almost four and a half years ago.  you all will be missed.

if you ever make it to portland, look me up.  i'm going to take it by storm.  portland is the foodie town that st. petersburg is a decade behind.  there are people doing the kind of food there that i yearn for.  the kind of freedom of expression through food that can only be accomplished there. 

ok, now to the EPIC-ness of the summer road trip.

we have a big map, in that map are push-pins.  those push-pins are places we want to see on our road trip this summer.  we are planning on taking 2-3 weeks for this endeavor.  

it. will. be. awesome.

1 comment:

dean.a.glenn said...

Well, you have the Royal Gorge, Garden of the Gods and Dinosaur National Monument marked in the great state of Colorado. Royal Gorge is a "must-see". Garden of the Gods is the smallest "gods garden" in the world I have ever seen, and you probably wouldn't be missing much if you breezed right on by there. But, if you want to see some awesome nature, stop here in Denver and my recently- relocated friend from Tampa & I would be happy to show you the "Top of the Rockies"!
Seriously!! If you don't still have my number handy, email me.

Good luck in the relocation, and I am sure it will be as successful as your stay in Florida has been!