January 3, 2011

stilton shortbread, and exciting new possibilities.

well, i know it's been awhile since i've posted...  with the holidays/work/life/lack of internet....  the blog kind of slipped through the cracks.  

last week i wanted to do an onion soup.  one of my all time favorite soups.  seriously.  ever.

i wanted to do something a bit different, but that still gave you all the flavors of a traditional onion soup.  i decided to do a stilton shortbread cracker to go with it.  here's the recipe.

stilton shortbread crackers

4 oz crumbled stilton –or any blue will do!
2 sticks butter, room temperature
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp freshly ground black pepper
preheat oven to 350 degrees.
 cream the cheese and butter together in stand mixer (the good ol’ kitchenaid with paddle attachment.)  add flour, salt, and pepper. mix until it looks like this.

gather dough into ball. roll out dough to 1/4-inch thickness. transfer dough to a baking sheet. like so…

bake until golden brown, about 20 minutes…and you should have this!

next, just let it cool and you can either cut it into cool shapes, or just break it up.  either way, its delicious.  here's the stilton shortbread cracker in my onion soup.  i think i might have to make this again this week.  

now on to some exciting news...  i met with a gentleman yesterday who is interested in doing a new television show about a chef and cooking.  i can't really get into too many specifics, but he wants me to be a part of it. we will be shooting the demo for the show in the next 2-3 weeks, and then it's the waiting game... hoping that a network picks up the show.  

i. am. so. freaking. excited.

this could be really cool!  the potential is amazing.  

i'm trying to NOT get my hopes up too much, because for all i know, nothing will come of it...  BUT. if it does... this could mean huge, HUGE things for me.  and my family.  

anyway, keep your fingers crossed for me...  and keep eating!

1 comment:

Chef Wolf. said...

I wish you all the best in this new endeavor!!! I really hope that your hopes is hoping for the real deal :) that's 3 times the love sucka.

good luck.