February 2, 2011


i know i know.  i've been slackin' on the blog.  i'm sorry!  really.  i've been a bit busy.  who knew a front page picture of your food would cause such a stir?!

well the last couple weeks have been a blur.  we sold an insane amount of fish and chips.  seriously.  in. sane.  now that i've had some time to catch my breath, and sleep for a minute, i'm getting back on top of things.  first, the blog.

a couple days ago, i got to shoot the first part of the demo for the tv show.  admittedly, i was nervous!  but after a few stumbles, i found my groove.  here's a shot of derek and david setting up the camera.

there are still a couple more shoots to do, and then lots of editing, which i get to be a part of.  super cool if you ask me.

now, on to food stuff.

i tried my hand at making some brioche a couple weeks ago.  not bad, but not perfect.  it was a little too dense for my liking...maybe if i have some time this week i'll give it another shot.

 i used the brioche above as slider buns.  insert some braised sirloin, pickled brussels sprouts and horseradish cream.... and you have this...

so. freaking. good.

the sunday after the big picture of the fish and chips hit the paper, we had our most insane brunch ever.  EVER.  preceded by the most insane saturday ever.  needless to say, i was happy to crawl home and sleep.  full board of tickets for 4 hours straight.  

so that's the last couple weeks in a nut shell.  have some more cool stuff in the works, but i'll keep that for another time.